When selling guns online, manufacturers and retailers can reach more consumers in a short amount of time. The process for selling a firearm online, however, has many government regulations and provisions. We’ve outlined some of the most important ones when building a retail website so that you can avoid liability and protect your interests.
Make An FFL Field Mandatory
You need to have a Federal Firearms License or FFL to manufacture guns and sell to interested consumers. This is a case of preventing straw purchasing, or a qualified individual buying a gun for someone that is forbidden from holding a weapon. The purchaser will lie about who will own the gun, and that can lead to a vast moral hazard.
With that said, the buyer must pick up the gun from an FFL dealer after purchasing it from either a gun store, manufacturer or retailers. An accredited FFL also conducts background checks on consumers. If the buyer is not qualified to own a gun, then the FFL will send it back and charge a fee to the consumer. Thus having an FFL field checked off means that you are protected from liability and know that the gun is in good hands.
Only Licensed Retailers, Independent Gun Stores And Manufacturers Can Sell Online

Independent gun stores are characterized by selling smaller firearms as opposed to larger models. Manufacturers are those that design and create guns for public use; in their case, selling online may lead to lower margins with a wider distribution. Retailers are larger businesses.
We do not advise using third party websites such as Armslist, which is the dealer version of Craiglist. For one, law enforcement will likely prosecute you if they find that you are purchasing guns legitimately and selling through an auction site. For another, tracking purchases can become harder which will lead to unsatisfied customers and potentially responsibility for crimes. You want to avoid lawsuits, which could shut down your business.
Detail Your Disclaimers
Consumers when buying guns want transparency. They want to know all of the details about the process and what they need to do to pick up their purchase. That means providing expectations about the process, including time estimates, and what consumers need to do.
Disclaimers are a means of outlining your process. Make sure that they are available, accessible and easy-to-read. Follow any Goblin related to disability requirement from the Ada including the WCAG. If you have any video subtitles on them.
Refine Your Website For Gun Owners With FFL API
FFL API is your top solution for creating an eCommerce website for gun and firearm sales. We make sure that you can meet all federal regulations for buying and selling your wares, with sensible web design and development. Our integration also allows you to design a checkout where you can look up a dealer without having to add more information.
Contact us today to get started with your newest website venture. Every gun shop should know about the vast opportunity that this provides. Let us help you simplify the process between the buyer and seller while following federal and state laws.